Technology Quotes
“Thank you for helping us embrace change and overcome the obstacles we face on a daily basis. Your subject matter was very relevant and unique. More important is the fact that you are helping us to be accountable for change too. ”
“Everyone in the sales group found the time we spent together beneficial and inspirational. I look forward to working with you again in the future!”
Todd Jacobs, Sales Manager, Abraham Technical
“Thank you so much for speaking at the Twin Cities ISO 9000 User Group meeting!! Along with being highly entertaining, your presentation provided our attendees with valuable insights for effectively dealing with change, conflict and improving our teamwork.
I have been involved in the ISO User Group for a number of years and have never seen a session where attendees were more enthusiastic!”
Kari Rambo, VP of Programing, Twin Cities ISO 9000 User Group
“Thank you for doing a tremendous job at our AgVantage National User Conference! Both of your presentations: ‘Rev Up Your Business Relationships’ and ‘Shifting Gears and Changes Lanes’ were a wonderful way to start and end our conference.”
Lori Campbell, Conference Coordinator, AgVantage Software, Inc.